In 1984, the Legislature passed the Opportunity to Recycle Act--- a bill that required refuse collectors to provide recycling opportunities for all Oregonians. During the next 20-some years, curb-side recycling has become big business for our refuse services.
Today, when Eugeneans sign up with their refuse hauling provider, they are given 4 containers at their curbside. One is for garbage, one is for garden trimmings and the third is for commingled metals, paper goods, and plastics. The fourth box is reserved for glass only.
In addition, there are many other local opportunities for recycling. Many businesses throughout the area provide services for citizens to bring corrosive materials, paints, Styrofoam and other difficult to dispose of materials to their facility for recycling. Additionally, the city of Eugene provides leaf pick-up in the Fall.

People who don’t have the means to properly dispose of old appliances and furniture often dump them in wilderness areas, as was done here--- just above Wild Cat Covered Bridge, off Hwy 126.