Water, Electric and Gas Utilities
Eugene Water & Electric Board
Energy and money saving ideas for home and businesses
Springfield Utility Board
Conservation energy links including eco-friendly activities for children.
Emerald People’s Utility District
Operates a retail store offering energy-saving products.
Northwest Natural Gas
Offering energy saving tips and money-saving incentives to help the environment
Lane Electric Cooperative
Instructional page showing how to read a meter and understand energy usage.
Extensive page of energy saving tips for the homeowner
Fun kids page of energy-conscious games, quizzes, contests and info.
Information about the co-op’s commitment to Coffin Butte Resource Project---a green power facility that uses decomposing garbage to generate electricity.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Wide range of energy information, including green driving tips.
U.S. Dept. of Energy
Energy-saving recommendations for everyone from homeowners, to realtors to, industry managers.