Be Informed
Concerned about what you put in your mouth? If you are looking to start or improve a plant-based diet, EVEN provides information to guide you toward making informed food choices.
The Association of Oregon Recyclers offers Environmental Directories and Resource Lists, Recycling Tips, Waste Prevention and related Resources, Oregon Library Catalogues Online and Oregon Local Government recycling and waste reduction pages.
You may also want to visit Healthy Green Pages, the Willamette Valley website provides listings for business who offer sustainable and healthy goods and services in Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Albany, Salem, Cottage Grove and Florence.
On a more global scale, the Post Carbon Institute of Eugene is an international think, action and education tank dedicated to community relocalization.
Located in the Institute for a Sustainable Environment of the U of O is the The Climate Leadership Initiative (CLI), an educational, research, and technical assistance consortium aimed at increasing public understanding of the risks and opportunities posed by global warming and enhancing climate protection policy and program development. They have worked with the mayor to create a citizens’ challenge and award program. The “Bold Steps Toward Sustainability” Program honors Eugene businesses that make decisions using a triple bottom line: taking extra care in how they treat their people, and the planet, while turning a profit.
One business is highlighted each month. All Eugene businesses are eligible for the award. Nominations can be submitted at any time, and all nominations will be kept on file for future consideration.
Nominations are being accepted at www.kugn.com and www.starfm1023.com, or through Jen Bell at jenbellsf@hotmail.com, or Kelly Hoell at kelly.hoell@goodcompany.com.
In addition, at the CLI website, Eugenians can sign up for the Mayor’s Climate Challenge. After using the online “calculator” to add up ones personal emissions, the mayor offers you a challenge to reduce that number. It’s a worthy challenge we all should take. Are you shocked to discover: “The annual, Eugene, per capita, greenhouse gas emissions, as calculated by the City of Eugene, amount to 8.6 metric tons of CO2e, or nearly five hot air balloons per person!”. Incidentally, Eugene was voted “Top Green City in the U.S.” in a recent National Geographic’s Green Guide poll.
StopGlobalWarming is a primary nationwide website for information about climate change. The website invites us to work toward a global community that can halt the causes of global warming.